In the Community 

ASR: Village Show

The church plays an active part in the life of our village and serves the wider community

Brook House services

Once a month on a Thursday morning at 11.15am we host a service for the residents of Brook House where members of the congregation join with some of the residents for a short service. We join together for some well-known traditional hymns that most of the residents recognise and enjoy singing. We have a short reading, a talk which often relates to the resident's daily lives or times they can remember and prayers. After the service we have a chance to say hello to friends old and new.

Riseley Church of England Primary School


We have a friendly and interactive relationship with our Church of England Primary School in Riseley.

Among other things, members of the ministry team take weekly assemblies and midweek groups in the school. The school comes up to the church four times a year for services at Harvest, Christmas, Easter and the Leavers Service in the Summer. Other trips are made from different classes at various points, to explore the building and to find out more about what the church is all about.

As well as regularly praying for the school, the church is also responsible for appointing foundation governors to the school, whose job it is to ensure that the school, the staff and every pupil in it flourishes in learning and in life.